hey, i'm insyri

I am a 14 year old programmer that resides in Florida, US. I first started to teach myself coding in late 2019 — discord bots, from then I've been using JavaScript and TypeScript mainly; in the short future, I plan to learn more languages such as Rust, C/C++, Lua, Powershell and Python. Currently, most of the things I've created/ am working on are too early in development to be publicized, however, I use GitHub more to help others and paste random stuff I want to see again than it's actual intended use cases... I am no expert at front-end, however, sometimes I jump onto Affinity Designer to create vector art.

I use Visual Studio Code and Windows 10, I don't have a special reason why I use VSCode, I've just grown with it and I'm not bothered to try anything else, also I don't see how much better another text editor is than another. As for you Linux users who are freaking out and pulling out pitchforks, the same story really, I don't see the benefit in using Linux over Windows in my use cases. I will probably start learning Linux to better my understanding of lower level programming and embedded software. No, I don't know which distribution I will use.

Intel i7-6700HQ @ 2.60 GHz
8GB of Memory @ 2133 MHz
Nvidia GTX 960M [Broken]

I game, but not as much as I would like to.


rsource is my next big project; a collection of discord bots for the strafes.net community to use in replacement of other bots and websites to better the user experience for the individual and others. It will also server as a community to help others with understanding of in-game moderation, map-making, and Lua scripting. The first project will be rsource records, this will act as an API interface bot, much like RBhop Dog and Sevbot, coming with additional features and customization. I then plan to make a forum for map-making, the bot also being an API interface; this bot will act essentially as a Stack Overflow using Prisma and MySQL. rsource fun is planned to have no real connection with the game, it will be more of a sub-bot due to its less usefulness; the existence is for my learning.


Sometimes I stream, usually I stream Roblox Studio making maps for Roblox Surf/Bhop. I do plan to stream regular gameplay, along with some other making stuff streams like Unreal Engine 5, Counter Strike: Source, Valve Hammer Editor, and Roblox. At the time of writing this I don't have a computer powerful enough to run other games at a stable framerate or quality level details, so other games are not excluded totally, just not right now.


My taste in music is very wide, usually you would catch me listening to old 70s-90s jungle drum and bass from the UK, atmospheric/intelligent drum and bass, Djent - which is a subgenre of progressive metal, Classic Rock and Metal, ambient/atmospheric electronic music, phychdelic pop, and lo-fi. I'm not closed to other genres, I just prefer these genres the most.

Soon, I'll put a playlist here.